
Python API for interacting with Pinata
with open("creds.json") as f:
    creds = json.loads(["Pinata"]["JWT"]



 generate_apikey (cred:str, key_name:str, pinlist:bool=False,
                  userPinnedDataTotal:bool=False, hashMetadata:bool=True,
                  hashPinPolicy:bool=False, pinByHash:bool=True,
                  pinFileToIPFS:bool=True, pinJSONToIPFS:bool=True,
                  pinJobs:bool=True, unpin:bool=True,
Type Default Details
cred str JWT
key_name str Key name
pinlist bool False list pins
userPinnedDataTotal bool False total data stored
hashMetadata bool True metadata
hashPinPolicy bool False policy
pinByHash bool True pin cid
pinFileToIPFS bool True upload file to IPFS
pinJSONToIPFS bool True upload json to IPFS
pinJobs bool True see pin jobs
unpin bool True unpin ipfs cid
userPinPolicy bool True establish pin policy

Generate API Key

response = generate_apikey(creds,"Test")
{'pinata_api_key': '443e2dadf1e6a47c2754',
 'pinata_api_secret': '0f84d67fe64136d4d9ddbfb1235a8ab1fd490f12c1f6fcc532b758062695a1dc',
 'JWT': 'eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.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.Rd4F1zBE8wTPIwi4mD1x3pdEnfEM2Ik7zjiw0vQ7AC8'}



 list_apikeys (cred:str)

List API Keys

newest_apikey = list_apikeys(creds).json()["keys"][0];newest_apikey
{'id': '1ff9d58d-d7fa-4598-9863-c53a806faff6',
 'name': 'Test',
 'key': '443e2dadf1e6a47c2754',
 'secret': 'ed7a3bdc89fb353b6c4f4155a9adb7f5:d15adb31f816663e2612ff5f89a5497abc30a5100ab83575247ba67cc9d49a7d61293d77c94049a8d83a82d8f02423357f311b26204bb57e7be9181d324e6424',
 'max_uses': None,
 'uses': 0,
 'user_id': 'd28f20cf-dfe0-4c8f-9272-26b9c2d8a3cd',
 'scopes': {'endpoints': {'data': {'pinList': False,
    'userPinnedDataTotal': False},
   'pinning': {'unpin': True,
    'pinJobs': True,
    'pinByHash': True,
    'hashMetadata': True,
    'hashPinPolicy': False,
    'pinFileToIPFS': True,
    'pinJSONToIPFS': True,
    'userPinPolicy': True}}},
 'revoked': False,
 'createdAt': '2022-07-22T14:22:21.191Z',
 'updatedAt': '2022-07-22T14:22:21.191Z'}



 revoke_apikey (cred:str, revoke_apikey:str)

Revoke API Key

<Response [200]>



 upload_file (cred:str, name:str, fpaths:list, metadata:dict,
              cid_version:str='1', directory:bool=False)
Type Default Details
cred str JWT key
name str filename
fpaths list filepaths
metadata dict metadata
cid_version str 1 IPFS cid
directory bool False upload directory

Upload File to IPFS with metadata

metadata = {"type":"AdultData"}




 upload_jsonfile (cred:str, name:str, fpaths:list, metadata:dict,
                  cid_version:str, directory:bool=False)
Type Default Details
cred str JWT key
name str filename
fpaths list filepaths
metadata dict metadata
cid_version str IPFS cid
directory bool False upload directory

This endpoint is optimized for JSON files

metadata = {"name":"Vote"}




 pin (cred:str, cid:str, fn=None, pinataMetadata=None)
Type Default Details
cred str JWT key
cid str IPFS cid
fn NoneType None Name of file
pinataMetadata NoneType None Add keys and values associated with IPFS CID

Pin files

metadata = {"dApp":"Ethereum Name Service",




 unpin (cred:str, cid:str)
Type Details
cred str JWT Key
cid str IPFS CID


<Response [200]>

If IPFS CID isn’t pinned. A 500 error message will be returned

<Response [500]>



 edit_metadata (cred:str, cid:str, name:str, metadata=None)
Type Default Details
cred str JWT Key
cid str IPFS CID
name str filename
metadata NoneType None Add keys and values associated with IPFS CID

Edit metadata of already pinned IPFS CID

metadata = {"type":"Test"}

<Response [200]>

If IPFS CID is not actively pinned. A 500 error message will be returned

metadata = {"type":"Test"}

<Response [500]>



 get_pinned_jobs (cred:str, params=None)

‘sort’ - Sort the results by the date added to the pinning queue (see value options below) ‘ASC’ - Sort by ascending dates ‘DESC’ - Sort by descending dates ‘status’ - Filter by the status of the job in the pinning queue (see potential statuses below) ‘prechecking’ - Pinata is running preliminary validations on your pin request. ‘searching’ - Pinata is actively searching for your content on the IPFS network. This may take some time if your content is isolated. ‘retrieving’ - Pinata has located your content and is now in the process of retrieving it. ‘expired’ - Pinata wasn’t able to find your content after a day of searching the IPFS network. Please make sure your content is hosted on the IPFS network before trying to pin again. ‘over_free_limit’ - Pinning this object would put you over the free tier limit. Please add a credit card to continue pinning content. ‘over_max_size’ - This object is too large of an item to pin. If you’re seeing this, please contact us for a more custom solution. ‘invalid_object’ - The object you’re attempting to pin isn’t readable by IPFS nodes. Please contact us if you receive this, as we’d like to better understand what you’re attempting to pin. ‘bad_host_node’ - You provided a host node that was either invalid or unreachable. Please make sure all provided host nodes are online and reachable. ‘ipfs_pin_hash’ - Retrieve the record for a specific IPFS hash ‘limit’ - Limit the amount of results returned per page of results (default is 5, and max is 1000) ‘offset’ - Provide the record offset for records being returned. This is how you retrieve records on additional pages (default is 0)

Type Default Details
cred str JWT Key
params NoneType None filtering pinned jobs

Retrieve pinned jobs. If there are pending pin jobs, they will be returned in json format.

{'count': 0, 'rows': []}



 get_pinned_files (cred:str, params=None)

Query Parameters = params

hashContains: (string) - Filter on alphanumeric characters inside of pin hashes. Hashes which do not include the characters passed in will not be returned. pinStart: (must be in ISO_8601 format) - Exclude pin records that were pinned before the passed in ‘pinStart’ datetime. pinEnd: (must be in ISO_8601 format) - Exclude pin records that were pinned after the passed in ‘pinEnd’ datetime. unpinStart: (must be in ISO_8601 format) - Exclude pin records that were unpinned before the passed in ‘unpinStart’ datetime. unpinEnd: (must be in ISO_8601 format) - Exclude pin records that were unpinned after the passed in ‘unpinEnd’ datetime. pinSizeMin: (integer) - The minimum byte size that pin record you’re looking for can have pinSizeMax: (integer) - The maximum byte size that pin record you’re looking for can have status: (string) - * Pass in ‘all’ for both pinned and unpinned records * Pass in ‘pinned’ for just pinned records (hashes that are currently pinned) * Pass in ‘unpinned’ for just unpinned records (previous hashes that are no longer being pinned on pinata) pageLimit: (integer) - This sets the amount of records that will be returned per API response. (Max 1000) pageOffset: (integer) - This tells the API how far to offset the record responses. For example, if there’s 30 records that match your query, and you passed in a pageLimit of 10, providing a pageOffset of 10 would return records 11-20.

Type Default Details
cred str JWT Key
params NoneType None Filter returned pinned files

Retrieve pinned files and use filtering arguments such as hashContains and status to filter by IPFS CID and get only the file that is pinned. Pinata keeps a log of all the times an IPFS CID is pinned and unpinned. Therefore, without the status filter multiple records would be returned.

{'count': 1,
 'rows': [{'id': 'a1a93991-99bc-4c12-9553-2e689046cf65',
   'ipfs_pin_hash': 'bafybeibcsnxt2sqzsvfg4lzg3iuxkfit37l3rz5gqmdxwsgec56qalmxie',
   'size': 3975284,
   'user_id': 'd28f20cf-dfe0-4c8f-9272-26b9c2d8a3cd',
   'date_pinned': '2022-06-17T22:43:08.303Z',
   'date_unpinned': None,
   'metadata': {'name': 'name',
    'keyvalues': {'Type': 'Test',
     'type': 'Test',
     'company': 'Pinata',
     'filetype': 'json'}},
   'regions': [{'regionId': 'NYC1',
     'currentReplicationCount': 1,
     'desiredReplicationCount': 1}]}]}



 get_datausage (cred:str, params=None)
Type Default Details
cred str JWT Key
params NoneType None Filter returned data usage statistics

Retrieve data usage stats. The stats are in bytes.

{'pin_count': -223,
 'pin_size_total': 349265187,
 'pin_size_with_replications_total': 349265187}